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Self-assembly of the gate motor – is it worth it?

Can I install the motor myself?

In the past, there were many professions that you rarely hear about today: tinker, bootblack or pitch burner. A large part of them have lost their purpose because in the era of intensive development, people with an increasing number of issues could deal with them just fine by themselves. The Internet often helps us in many situations. When the gate motors made their debut, installation in most cases was done through authorized service centers. Today, there are companies that allow for self-assembly, and the approach of the older ones has changed too. There is a lot of information on the Internet about assembly, among others what to pay attention to, what not to do, which results in fewer errors that can be made by an amateur of automation when installing the motor. Of course, in most cases, nothing prevents you from installing the drive yourself. However, in some cases it is equivalent to the loss of the warranty. So, whether we can mount the motor to the gate depends only on the manufacturer and whether we want to keep the warranty.

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Self-assembly of the motor – advantages and disadvantages

It would be appropriate to move on to the issue of the assembly of the motor itself. Custom assembly costs from 400 PLN upwards, so the self-assembly option looks tempting. However, is there a catch here?

It depends on where we buy the motor. If it is a regular store that sells whatever it can, it is hard to count on any technical support in case of a problem. However, there are industry companies that accept and have technical support for the user to do self-installation of the gate motor. In the event of problems, technicians will help you to solve them. So, it’s good to find such a seller before you decide to install it yourself. If we start assembling the machine, it’s good to have some experience with mechanics and electrics. We also have to be precise. This is not a place for alpha males who think the instructions don’t need to be read. Installation of the motor contrary to the provisions in the manual may damage the equipment, void the warranty and may endanger the users of the equipment. If we want the equipment to never let us down, let’s do the assembly properly and take our time. If you lack time, precision or you do not feel up to the task, it is better to have the installation done by specialists. However, if you take up the challenge and do everything right, you can be proud of the results of your work.


  • Saving money
  • Possibility to learn something new
  • Possibility to feel proud of the work done by yourself
  • Flexibility in terms of the assembly date – you assemble when you have time
  • Technical support from companies with DIY support


  • Risk of damage to equipment due to inexperience
  • Possibility of voiding the warranty if we do not follow the recommendations
  • Taking time to assemble


Summing up, the situation is as follows: If you still do not know whether the self-assembly of the motor will work for you, I have simple advice. You will need: a piece of paper, a pencil and a moment of reflection. List your priorities, fears, advantages and disadvantages. Check the balance and choose. If you like to tinker, you have some time and are not afraid of instructions –  you will probably be fine. However, if you do not feel up to your strength because you do not have time, you are not precise or you do not have a brother-in-law to help, pay a pro and have it done right. I hope I helped. If you wonder what motor to install, please contact us, we will certainly advise you.

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